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5 responses to “

  1. Amanda

    Sometimes you realize that the relationships you spend the most time on are the ones that never seem to be worth it in the end.

    I didn’t even recognize you in that little picture, it’s amazing how much you’ve changed in your looks.

  2. You’ve definitely changed a bit.
    Don’t give up on relationships, you never know when the right “one” will come along.
    Moving’s a bitch, isn’t it?

  3. volatilestructure

    this is the article you talked about! i actually think you were quite pretty as a little girl…but i guess im also biased. ^_~
    i think la is going to open a lot of doors…im hoping so…please don’t ever stop writing.

  4. I agree with everyone. 1) you looked super cute as a kid! You don’t want me to show you MY awkward stages lol. 2) I’d been single for over 3 years before meeting my man. I thought I was doomed but he’s one of a kind. Just have an open mind. Btw that close-up picture of you is super hot! I love your make-up.

  5. McCallister

    Keep the moles. They suit you.

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